AIO: Little brother (25) is in his 7th year of community college in NYC and expects his single dad to pay his bills indefinitely, plus possibly private school tuition, in spite of dad not being rich and having stage 4 prostate cancer
I'll do a hundred pushups for every upvote on this post IF AND ONLY IF i get into one ivy league.
Is Yale worth it ???
Rejected basically everywhere no hope for ivies what da freak!!! 💔✌🏼
do girls not like guys taller than them?
WIBTAH to tell my boyfriend to stop playing with my boobs that way
Rigor Matters More Than You Think—How I Actually Judged Your Classes as an Admissions Officer
10 days till princeton accepts me...
whats the worst application mistake you've made?
Rating College Admissions Influencers
We need to stop with the “is it safe to join Columbia” posts
What do you think of the "billionaires should not exist" (meaning that no single individual should exclusively own that much money) argument?
Hang in there international students
International Applicants Getting Rejected
We should be able to sell College acceptances
for all my people who are miserable due to college decisions
This is your sign that everything WILL work out
I choose to be accepted🙏
My Son got rejected for Class of 2029
Accepted to MIT + Columbia likely!!!
What do i do? My ex gf (12) tells my friend suicidal things after i break up with her.
need reassurance for uc admissions 💔
How many digits of pi do you know?
Did the whole world apply to UCSD
Rejected from MIT. My sister is coming to get revenge.