Boys in the sun light
Not Hot Wheels
Two small shops had these for 170 each🧿
Metallic Red has to be the Sexiest Colour on a Car
No One just a random Lucknow toy store owner seeing his google reviews today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .................... (BRO MESSED WITH THE WRONG COMMUNITY)
Scalpers shop
Shiny like a 911
If you ain't buying majorette, its a major regret!
Since majorette is flooded in India, share you recent purchase and their price coz i don't know how mainlines, semi premiums and premiums pricing works in this brand.
Got 1st TH below MRP 🦈
Where can I buy majorette online with free delivery?
Non-HW haul.
Hello Majorette! Made a big box and shipped these to my friends. Details in post’s body. ❤️
God bless small local shops.
Prized possesion
how to ship cars ? helping other collectors
ISO (Need at least 4 at a time)
hotwheels stock
Iso, plz help
Don't sleep on majorette guys
Gonna take some better pictures later , but HOGAI BHAI HOLY TRINITY WOOOOO
My first (is it good?)