DAE get super cranky or mean when you wake up
Nurses with a partner who is not in medical field?
Why do only women have "bridal showers/wedding showers"? AITA if I want to have one as a groom?
DAE get really happy when they get into bed every night?
• How does it make you feel when you see people who you grew up with are living significantly better lives than you? Does it make you feel negative emotions or are you genuinely happy for them and proud someone else was able to make it?
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid.
What supplies do you “borrow” from your hospital for home use?
What is your emotional support sitcom?
What are the benefits of getting older?
How are so many people out and about all day long?
AP bio
I cannot stand Gino
DAE get super anxious or depressed after spending time with their family?
Have you had any regrets in life and if so, what were they?
Medsurg with acute hemodialysis- Emory
Dental Hygiene or Nursing
What’s the most backhanded compliment you’ve ever received?
How are the charge nurses I work with so good at talking down patients and their families?
Nurses that went from 3-12s to 5-8s…
I fucking hate being a Caregiver
How long have you been at your current job?
Someone giving 20 minute detailed directions instead of just giving you the damn address.
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?
Kissing your spouse