Whenever I’m in a reading slump, which is often these days, I come back to this one.
I had to tell this robot 7 times that I wanted to cancel my membership. 🙄
I’ve never had a lab of this color 🫐 it’ll be hard to sell this one
Instead of wrapping the fork in a napkin and putting it in his backpack, by boyfriend bends it so that it fits into the Tupperware his lunch was in. I was speechless upon discovery.
Hello!! I’ve only ever used round wire, and am looking to buy either half round or square. What do you all prefer? Pros/cons of each? TIA!
Please help me find these crackers
Tough first date question
Sold my third piece this weekend 🥳
Questions from a prospective owner - hissing cockroaches
What would you price this at?
Reddit! Check my work! How am I doing?! ✨🌞✨
What Stephen king stories have changed your life the most
Freestyle swirly green boy
Have a great day everybody :)
Find the big cat
My first time using square wire. I’m definitely a fan!
what do we think? I'm kind of worried as her whole chest is completely white & the artist does portraits & said she would be portraying this with grey wash/purple & once healed will give illusion of white but I'm scared as I don't see it. let me know what you think.
Some smaller lodolite pieces 🫶🏼 Happy Sunday!
Suicide King done by Nick Adam.
Why? Were They Born
Flatbush Zombies?? Any chance? They’ve chilled out with touring over the years, but did a pretty extensive one recently. OSL could be a nice cap.
Making earrings to wear at outside lands! Can't wait!!
This weekend was super stormy in my area, so I had a lot of time to create!
I finally made a short process video!