I know grey anodizing is tricky but wow.
Colt m16a2 rollmark vector files.
They have arrived
Found these, what do you think about using them in my BPs enclosure?
Printed a cylinder came out faceted. Any idea why?
Can You Run In Full Kit?
What's the longest, repeatable shot you've made with an m1 carbine?
New colt viper
To engrave or not to engrave?
Why did some German soldiers in ww1 carry 2 canteens?
Top three guns for a red dawn scenario?
Reasonable age to teach child about firearms?
I'm sure the first Austro-Hungarian service rife has a totally normal and non suggestive name right?
1917 Enfield and modern 30.06 pressures.
C96 price
Italian Bren MK2's in progress.
Coldlishnakov part 2.
Incase you were considering steel plates.
FN 1903
What problems did the M14 have that the M1 Garand didn’t?
35/f. Registered Nurse/Mom/Swiftie. Recently gained back some confidence. Take it away!
Unpopular opinion; I kinda like sporters