My first attempt ever at a Beef Wellington. A little bit overcooked, but tasted way better than any I have had before. Plus, personal size FTW!
There's still room for improvement, but WAY better than most (if not all) my previous Sous Vide + Cast Iron attempts
When it comes to sockets, how would ya'll rank Quinn, Husky, Cobalt, GearWrench and Craftsman?
Same product, bought from the same store, yet (slightly) different box dimensions. Nothing wrong, just found it funny.
For anyone wondering, no Ryobi green is not the same 😅
Feel her Wrath
Do I even have a shot?
Ugh, train has STOPPED!!!
47th president of the United States
Are these prices frequent?
Green vs orange duvet cover?
Healthy You Incentives
Will direct sunlight damage my LEGO Flower Bouquet?
34M, Single, recommendations for towels? Any other recommendations?
ELI5 How is Castille Soap (made almost exclusively out of oils) not oily, and very soapy?
The White Queen? My New Midi Venator Alternate Build from 75402 ARC-170
If this was any other color
What’s a good deal on a P262 (Brushless) Impact Wrench?
Have you gotten your attainable dream car? If so what is it?
I fixed my pudding by adding chocolate and cookie crisp
LEGO Chocolate Cake
I can finally officially say I've been in Éowyn*
Wrapping this 440i in KPMF Matte Pink Metallic.
You have been permanently banned from participating in r/Watchexchange!
Any vinyl out there that matches this picture? Thanks! (Yes, this is in Forza)