Cameron having an actual problem with Kathryn in early seasons is lunacy
Rivals Jonna & Jasmine vs Camila & Theresa
Chased by a baby calf!
The moment Paige wanted out
Cara Maria vs Laurel uncensored
Which women would you rate over Cara Maria? I think there’s only 2 better, but there are some that aren’t that far off
Kyle confirming Craig was kicked out of wedding.
If I were JT I’d leave the show too.
Paige (Thoughts)
Nehemiah and Cara are friends ???
Do you think that there can be an Island part II?
Who is copying who 🙃
Why Blake Must Settle
Traumatize your fandom with one image
Feels like something is missing in my living room. What would you add or change?
Amanda responds to edits of her past “mental breakdowns”
What is your most controversial unpopular opinion?
Which unsolved crime do you hope is solved within your lifetime?
Republican Adjacent?
Yall are too tough on carl
How do we feel about this?
I just love Casey. Hilarious without even trying and pretty sexy too!
Bananas takes the money from Sarah
Emmy and Will , Viall Files interview
Full preview for The Viall Files with Will and Emmy tomorrow