Guys, need help. How can we add light and shadows to the sprites in isometric world ? So to make it like in 3D
Why does Defect actually feel like the most powerful/easiest character to play to me despite conventional wisdom? Is it just my playstyle?
Da li učite zbog para ili zbog znanja?
Naso sam dobru zensku!
Making my Death Valley Level more Alive with bunch of invasive Tumbleweeds
ELI5 Why do some games disable clicklock?
Which one is more creepy to you? (OC)
It has been 3 months and I can't hit keyblade. HELP!
What game have you started a bunch of times but rarely to never finish?
LoL DnD day 6: I was pleasantly surprised by this win. Which champion is the best monk? Mos upvoted comment wins
LoL DnD day 4: geology domain cleric won. Which champion best fits the druid class? Most upvoted comment wins
Change a letter from a spell. Lifestealer Ult: Invest
Presto bus da radi
What's the worst insult you have heard in League?
Her name is the last food you ate today
[deleted by user]
We ported our game from Unity URP to HDRP; In addition to some other graphical improvements
Cute Octopus UwU
I've been trying to make a minecraft server for days already and I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore.
Za ljude kao da nisam ziv
Mogu li nazvati svoje dete Null?
Sta mislite o ovome?
What units and comps have been underrated or gone under the radar?
Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" | GamesRadar+