The last thing you ate will be his name...
Here is the assortment of 50 different succulents I got from Temu's Leaf and Clay store for $73.36
Look what my boyfriend got me for Valentine's Day! A little bit late but who cares. 😈💜
Need a chocolate name 🍫
Name? right answers only
What is your favorite foreign language film?
what artist has you like this when they come on
What’s an underrated movie with a good cast?
Which Breaking Bad character do you hate the most?
Favorite duo in a movie?
Which movie do you think had one of the best plot twists ever?
Darkest movie you’ve ever watched?
What are some movies where a character that is key to the main plot is barely in the movie?
What actor or actress actually came from poverty and didn’t have the benefit of nepotism?
What’s a movie that everyone should watch at least once in their life?
Name a non-horror movie that really disturbed you.
2 birch tree paintings, which do you like better?
Who is this? Wrong answers only
Azrael movie question about language
Made this, what should I call it?
Which movies have you fallen asleep while watching?
My aunt stopped painting
Anyone else see a face on this driftwood?
I've never seen this before, no clue what it is.
Need an advice