Rhinosplasty thick skin, 8 months post-op, before and after pictures.
What are you starting to love more as you get older?
Does anyone have any advice to fix my skin? It started breaking out and getting super dry and flaky around Christmas and hasn’t improved. It’s never done this before so I’m unsure what to do
What plastic surgery should i get to address this bump on scar?uodate to previous post.
My (f34) boyfriend (m36) can’t stay hard and only does the jack rabbit
UX student here—what’s your Recipe Site pet peeve?
BCBS Settlement - Taxes.. Will we receive a 1099 on the settlement? Will this be claimed as income? From searches, it appears taxable.
Debit card for BC&BS Settlement
I cook, clean, and pay all the bills, while my unemployed boyfriend sits at home sleeping and playing video games.
Waiting out winter by trying to grow a pumpkin on my dresser…
Lift or implants, or both?
Rhinoplasty two weeks
Bleph + tox + cosmetic improvements. I can't tell how much I've changed until I go back and compare. Wow.
Gained 62 lbs during pregnancy vs 3 years later
I had closed rhinoplasty almost 4 months ago and I regret my choice.(last pic is my before)
I hate my nose after rhinoplasty…
What in the world is this job posting…
Down 11lbs, can’t see much of a difference! See description.
Is it even possible to break into UXR now?
What could help me with smile lines? I'm only 24
Seeking reassurance... (Rhino)
I regret my rhinoplasty
What makes my profile so harsh? Would filler improve?
To all the UXRs who don't have a Masters or PhD, how's that been? Do you regret not having a higher degree?