(SPOILERS EXTENDED) George was very vocal when criticizing HOTD and Condal. On the other hand George doesn´t seem to criticize D&D much. Why do you think that is?
I don't understand how people think about cheating.
Is this where Jon got his thing for openly hostile redheads? Incredible show. Finding something new after every rewatch.
Is Reddit mostly wrong about the ending of Anora, or am I? I had a completely different take to what the consensus seems to be.
I'm finishing A Storm of Swords tonight and I was wondering what order I should read the "final" two books in
"What if Quentin Tarantino directed Star Wars?" we thought. And did this as a poster for our Star Wars Tabletop game tournament.
Is it the same actress?
Why are the starks the main characters?
If the wave function is real, how is entanglement explained without faster than light processes?
Has the franchise become too famous to really explore new ideas?
Coming from somebody who liked the first 2 movies The most frustrating thing about the sequel trilogy and the new cast is the fact they actually had a lot of potential to be actual standout characters but Disney,the writers,and the directors shot themselves in the foot over and over
What is your list of this decades movies that you would recommend everyone to watch (as movie general knowledge)
How the hell did "Anora" win Best Picture?
Tywin is a smart man. He knows women don’t always survive childbirth. So why did he always give Tyrion shit for what happened?
The Best Movies About Making Movies
The Zeus MK 2 CL is a garbage cargo ship (IMO)
Give an honest opinion on this movie🤷♂️🤷♂️
What am I missing about Anora?
What is your take on the Kingslayer ? Redemptive arc or still an asshole ? ( spoilers extended )
Why does a object get pulled toward the center of mass if space-time is just distorted?
It's actually kind of impressive the way almost everything Tywin says to his children is hypocritical (spoilers extended)
What’s an opinion that leaves you like this?
What do you reckon Trump is hoping to achieve by threatening to annex Canada, Mexico, Greenland?
(Spoilers Extended) GRRM needs to just come clean about Winds