How accurate are games that are set where you live? What does it feel like?
Levelling System
Como começou // Como está indo
The three games you played over and over as a kid that no one remembers
What is an action scene that stuck with you?
No level scaling in Shadows?
Is your username chosen or generated?
My wife (not an animation fan) has told me I can pick one animated film for us to watch. Which one??
O que acham desse tipo de pensamento?
What games do you play to unwind from life's worries?
How to win orlog
Games where killing means something?
What game is just *pure satisfaction* to play?
Game lines that are so iconic that can be easily recognized by gamers?
What celebrity is facially attractive to a lot of people but you just can’t see it?
Everyone wants to get rich despite everyone hating the rich.
Ubisoft deserves more praises for this game!
Why do people like Unity?
2025 Oscars Post Game Thread
Terminei de ler O Hobbit e simplesmente amei esse livro
Films that changes your opinion of an actor?
What game will always be special to you, no matter how many years go by?
What video game soundtrack got you interested in the artist?
What’s a movie that introduced you to a band/artist you now like because of its soundtrack?
Como foi a evolução da sua estante?