Efilist posted a post in r/efilism, where he said that Dating works proves that humans and life are purely evil and cruel. Many people in the comments disagree with this statement.
How do I actually find a good person?
Design Sheets for the Characters of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)
Anime haters are confusing
Anime haters are so confusing
One the worst parts of being a misanthrope is feeling like you can't trust anyone
Anon is Exposed
Anon complains about Steven universe
Stinky smelly poo poo Weeb
Human nature is to kill
What makes you think human nature is awful/bad?
If you assume the worst about people, you'll never be disappointed
Why do people still hate bronies?
There are no heroes, or anti-heros, or tragic villains. There is no moral grey. There is only moral black. There are only villains who take pleasure in their cruelty.
Society and its Effects on the Individual
Do you think that decent people are rare? Do healthy relationships and friendships still exist?
Japan is strange
Japanese Redditors: What do you think about Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731?
Has your misanthrophy ruined entertainment for you?
Sinister Sunday - Free discussion/vent for misanthropes
Do you think there are any good modern anime?
Letting people into your life is dangerous AF
How do you even live among humans