I got 1000 shards, who should I get
Who is the best rw among these?
What to do
Is Di Natale that good ?
Riise or Walker from shards?
What’s your dream Roblox game?
IRL 🇨🇳
is Ribèry still usable
What do I look like I play? (IMPOSSIBLE)
Should I put him as a new Rb?
Need suggestions to improve to have 700 shards rn (ignore low rankups)
What’s ur favorite Roblox game Right now?
Show your Rarest Card
Tf do I do?
1 or 2?
Which one should I choose?
How to get 1726599 beli in 15 mins? Fast pls
Where in China would speed visit
What player shld I get from neon event rn I have 700 shards rn
who should i take?
What do I do with him I already have bale as lw(team in second slide)
What can I do to get my team to a 108-109?