Could Ghidora and Shimo beat super saiyan Suko?
New player…
Kong is NOT a fodder
Casual reminder that in patch 1.00, Maliketh’s Destined Death effects weee purple
Who wins?
Could the Hollow Earth Survive 1 billion Great Tits?
There are approximately 1 million words in the English dictionary. Yet I can’t string enough words in a sentence to describe how badly I miss old Cougar after seeing this
How Godzilla and Kong‘s relationship is in GxK 3
Which kaiju would win aganist the biggest kaiju caseoh
I love production photos out of context.
Sleepy by kia-ko
Could Godzilla Survive 1 trillion Honeybees?
Does godzilla 2014 have the best citamatic shots?
Guys im really confused I want to get up this big ass mountain in Liurnia but don’t know how pls help(one week into the game and one of best games ever)
World of Darkness characters have been demoted to high tier 1-A
Every statement from every verse is now canon and 100% accurate in all other verses. Any notable/interesting changes?
Name a character that can beat Duolingo.
Tell me a character that could stop the third impact
Sense lots of people where pissy about my last post where I got Saitama to 5d here’s my actual scale of him being 5d yes the chapters about EV got redrawn but that doesn’t remove the feat at least yet
Powers scaling bad.
Which is the safest option?
How cooked is bro?
Name a character that can beat these characters.
Who Has More Power When It Comes To Authority