Is there a such thing as a tech pack in the commercial printing industry?
TPC stealing tips
Can someone tell me what this size dot means? I'm a size 38 waist in pants and these fit perfectly. It says 28.. Could it be an error? I have a 33 size dot as well and they are way too tight.
I'm in the naming stage of developing a new product. Should I make the company or product name unique or common to reduce advertising costs?
People who know a porn star personally, what's that like?
Neurologist desperately needed
Cost effective pakaging ideas
Alright Jacksonville, which spot has fries like this?
Where can I find country guys
Where can I buy or use astrip Gumming machine? Anywhere US, hopefully Georgia or Florida.
I need a machine that can put this on sheets of plastic.
What is this called and how is it done? The shinny part on this Matt box packaging.
Any idea the material of these bags? They are different. Orange feels like paper but won't rip, blue feels like a tough silky smooth very clear plastic. Bonus points if you know who manufactured them??
Does this mean we board the day before it actually departs?
Cruise that doesn't go out to sea very far.
Any idea what kind of bags these are?
What is this?
How does scale work? This model is scaled at 1/87th does this mean that if I order 100 of these on amazon, that it would be larger than the actual train?
How does scale work? This model is 1/87 of the actual item, does this mean that if I ordered 100 of these it would be larger than the size of the train? Confused.
My wife starts with a new company on Monday (march 3rd) and is planning to meet with HR then to select insurance. HR is saying insurance will be effective starting March 1, but she hasn't selected a plan yet? Is she really covered?
Newbie question; I want to order Party Hat's from a supplier. I'm looking for thicker cardboard and a textured finish than what is currently on the market. How do I find what I'm looking for? How do I tell my supplier? Sorry dumb quesiton.