Fortnite or nah?
If you could remove any weapon from chapter 6 which would you remove?
mission impossible ahh clip
They are not the same
What is this? Wrong answers only
(Other Than Default) What's the first skin you've ever gotten, I'll go first
Where did you land for your first game?
Who is this? (Wrong answers only)
i cant figure out what he ment?
Did it disappear?
What did I just pause on
Sypher explain for us
What’s the best lobby music I will go first
W drawing? Took me 20 minutes
Ummmmmm.... Shyper?
Name one youtuber that everyone forgot about
W or L purchase??
Imagine if Sypher got a Loooooowwww Taper Fade
What’s a gun that you love that everyone hates? I’ll go first.
No Matter What season you started in, do you consider yourself OG?
yo am i really that bad at the game 😭
Pov:Me when I post a nice video. Me when syphers moderators take it down
If you put them in a room who would win
What is your favorite item/weapon in fortnite?