Why does Trisha paytas have more stage presence than Nessa??
will we ever snark about things other than her body ?
Hanging with old men
piper deadass made the bop house her bitch
Camilla is literally THE definition of pretty privilege.
camilla age
get her dance lessons please
Bro Olive is HUGE
She thinks she’s convincing
low effort
Sophie rain bbl??
camilla and santos
Didnt she start the beefs?
There’s no way this is legal.
Joy quit the bop house because of piper
Yikes 😬
summer is a follower lol
what is there to look up to exactly?
wtf this doesn’t even look like the same human anymore
Consistently giving “mean girl” with no personality
“She’s healthy, she’s healed” yeah, that’s why she looks like that.