"It's made of true silver and fit for a champion! Too bad its blacksmith was bad at names."
"It still counts as dual wielding if you throw one up in the air, use the other, and then grab it really fast."
"You've gotta admit, that's some pretty good handywork."
"He'd be Don Han'Cho's right hand man...if his left hand weren't so much cooler!"
"I'll remember that card forever. Like it was just played last turn...because it was."
"If you stare at the sun long enough, all minions start to look the same!"
"How DARE you step away from your post! Get back here!"
"Oh, you like this old Pyroblast card? Yeah, I just found it last week. Be a real shame if it were to hit you in the dome in 6 turns."
"It's the Immaterial's world. We're just living in it."
"Ha ha ha! A leech king? Don't be ridiculous, man."
"I don't care if your soul is being siphoned, get back to work!"
"There's no problem that a little pixie dust can't fix!...Probably!"
"The secret passage to the castle was under lock and key. Emphasis on WAS."
Now that the dust has settled, was the discourse over this card an overreaction?
Theorycraft Patch Changes for The Emerald Dream Expansion (so that I can look back and laugh at myself in a month)
"It's been an honor fighting next to you, Grok." "It's not like we had a choice, Mal."
"Leave no trace...of this shampoo I stole from the hotel bathroom."
"Wow, way to shoot the sea-surger."
"Xavius, I have come to bargain!"
"Cenarius? Xavius? He's just here for the cool perks!"
Because what's an expansion without a Neutral tech card?
"True survivalists play it from both sides of the hand!"
"All who join the fight against the Burning Legion are welcome to pick up these glaives."
"In the bustling city of Dalaran, there's a perfect shop for just about anyone!"
"I remember things from long ago! ...And am happy to chat more about them over a pint of ale."