Haven't seen much posts about Caesar Clown, so here's a fun decklist for casual play
What’s the best YG Yamato build? With the ban of raigo and probably a lot more BB incoming
We finished making our first official prototype for Northskye, our viking themed strategy game
Ban List Update
How do I go about creating synergies in my multiplayer card game?
Simple Breakdown of all 40k Factions for New Players
Would you recommend a newbie to play OPTCG over other games card games? Why?
unpacked game, not launching in steam
Seize the Tower as Combat Patrol for Fantasy?
Self found STA/INT/SPIRIT paladin
Ynnari Wraiths marching on a newly finished display board
Had some fun going through high level results from the survey. Check it out and let us know what sort of questions you'd be interested in knowing more about as we discuss it in future episodes! Link in the comments.
Vivi Decks?
My game can be duplicated with normal playing cards fairly easily. Now what?
What makes a crafting system *work* in a TTRPG
how to start playing fantasy
The Old World - 1 year later (sort of) competitive review
[OP11-085] Kurozumi Orochi
[OP11-029] Charlotte Praline
[OP11-024] Aladdin
Paladin Tanking deadmines for the first time?
Best blue card for controlling an opponents hand?
Decks to learn about colors / color pairings
Off meta decks that are cracked.