What drugs people use for masturbation?
Demisexual men: do you tend to prefer or have more female friends than male friends?
A word of advice against daridorexant
Why do socialists lie and say the Nazis weren't socialists?
Musk replaces Trump with robot to rule the US forever.
Love-hate relationships with games: What’s your pick?
Oh no, not Bandit Outlaw! See you in Sovngarde ol' friend
This shit is gonna kill someone
Scientific socialism?
The first two episodes of solo leveling were cool
The state has no legitimate authority
Russia's #2 hater just said Nah.
How to make a claim about the "Burden of Proof" and actually demonstrate the "Burden of Proof" while doing it.
I never tried air conditioning, is it worth it guys (am european, hard to find a plug here)
”Me returning home after a week in europe without Ice, air conditiong & diet coke”
Oui, enfin, ne nous y trompons pas non plus...
What makes authors scared of older leads?
Anti-fascist Women's Day march in Paris
You dumbf*ck.
I don't know if it was originally from here, but I saw this on russian and decide to translate it
What to watch based on my tire list
Is Monster worth it or not ?
Men stop fucking blaming yourselves, women are just as bad yet they are getting dates.
We’re reaching levels of media illiteracy never seen before
"Which drug is gonna miraculously make me not a loser"
Welfare Capitalism as prophylaxis from Socialism.