Meechie denies ai allegations, claiming he watched carti record the verses in question
why are Kanyes mixtapes never taken into account when addressing his discography?
Bro even the zip ups are cropped? Only 4 items are for men bro carti better drop another wave
idk if it’s a pricing error but it’s 2 bundles with the same hat with different cds with a $20 price difference so get the cheaper hat if you’re wanting the all black cap
This song going mainstream I promise
Can someone add a carti verse to Twin trim? Y tf carti gave Uzi his own song (Ik this not ab ye)
HBA is a problem and we need those lines back.. it’s not even the snare that’s making it bad. We need to make this a big deal
All merch pieces as posted on opium_00pium
Did he delete OPM BABI MV?!
Tier list after 10+ full listens
Drop your album hot takes in the comments
Songs most likely to be on I AM MUSIC
OG Music Tracklist
Is this a hot take?
Comparison between the vocals on REAL MUSIC, Timeless, RATHER LIE and FINE SHIT. All seemingly use the same AI vocal model based on the consistent resonance and hiss in each vocal
Anyone else notice he cut his “Metro” tag on Radar down?
This screenshot is now a piece of history in the past
Ye betrayed
Y’all think this gon get Grammy nominated?
Hellcatbaby is now also teasing babyboi
Insane run
Damage control
What does this mean
Since BABYBOI is the next project dropping next , what types of vibes and features would y’all on it ?