What name would you give he?
Simply and delicious: "Calamarata" pasta with tomato sauce, capers and olives. (Semplice e delizioso: calamarata con salsa di pomodoro, capperi e olive).
The notorious loch Ness monster of the Baltic sea
Pasta newb. Here's some that I made
Very old Nessie picture
Another italian Nessie illustration (mistery tree again)
Oggi mia nonna ha compiuto 100 anni 🥹
Qual è quel prodotto che, quando vedete sullo scaffale del supermercato, vi fa pensare "ma come fa la gente a comprare sta roba?"
Plesiosaur in Massachusetts?
What are the worst restaurants you’ve been to in LA?
Loch Ness monster in vintage italian magazine
Qual è il vostro amaro italiano preferito?
Risotto with nduja, seasoned pancetta and fresh smoked scamorza
It's Bob's 13th birthday today
Figured you guys might appreciate this kraken inspired painting I did
Monster of Campobello, Italy
This item even stumped google lens! Can anyone explain specifically what it’s used for?
My mom always breaks spaghetti into pieces
Treasures found in Portugal next to a old ruin!
Loch Ness monster by Walter Molino.
Chi tra di voi fuma?
"Copies" of Bigfoot
What kind of sauce for these?
Ho detto ai miei che mi trasferirò con i nipoti all’estero, tragedia
Are there any pasta dish recipes that includes tuna?