When someone asks me how they can defeat Abidi...
Describe Your World in an “X meets Y by way of Z” format
Explain your gods and demigods really badly
A new puzzle for the stained glass encounter in the Betrayer's Rise
Can I change the Prime Dieties associated with the Jewel of Three Prayers?
Name your favorite song
Am I the only one who feels this way?
[Meme] these two idiots get locked in a room together what happens
Wolfe's Neck beach from Wednesday
I’m scared
I hope this is a joke, if not it’s a damn shame.
what name do i look like? (ftm)
anyone annoyed with exercising while not on T?
Sketched Up Some Designs for the Clockers
[No Spoilers] I spent 118 hours and 10 months crocheting a blanket inspired by Keyleth
What do you prefer to call the DM?
[fan art]— 🦴🪐 GTN cosplay group! 🕶️💪
would you eat here? [meme]
Noodle is a Fan [general]
[Misc] "Four for fidelity, facing ahead; Five for tradition and debts to the dead" ...it's sims time again!
What is your favorite thing about campaign 3?
How to celebrate the IRL marriage of two players, in the game?
What's Going On In Your Exandria?
[Spoiler C1-3] In light of another thread: What are your Critical Role hot/cold takes?
I think I figured it out [meme]