You just woke up as Batman. Where are you going first?
Your most hated characters in K-drama?
When life gives you tangerines
What is your best drip in kdrama history?
Siomay pangsit (batagor?) gak kenyal
Favorite lol, tears in your eyes scene
Pisang Goreng dan Saus Karamek
Songs that sound good right away?
Share joke bapak-bapak kalian
Tempe Sengek Kulon Progo Yogyakarta
Why everyone in the drama having this phone 😭only
What is the Johnny Depp in K-drama?
kdramas with the best 1st episodes
Lumpia & Cireng Tahu
Nasi kuning & Jus alpukat Jumatan
Do smoking makes you aging faster?
How does it like to lose your first patient?
Mie ayam bakso
What’s a K-drama that you started without expectations but ended up loving?
Do we still censoring boobs even when it was removed due to cancer?
How my first attempt at soto ayam?
A band that all the members didn't pay their college tuition
Why did you pee on yourself?
How do Chinese restaurants cook so fast?