What am I missing about Anora?
What are the rarest most badass girl names you’ve heard?
What’s your go-to sick meal?
My perfectionism is killing my writing passion.
What was the last book you read that made you angry?
How do writers create nuanced, subtle goals for their characters?
[25+] NaNo Group Continuing in 2024
What to read in Montreal?
How to keep track of books other than goodreads?
Here to find some bookish friends. My 71 books so far this year
Berlin - solo nightlife?
22 books read in September | Not a mood reader and it shows, absolute chaos
Like most of this sub, I lean towards fiction. But sometimes I’ll read a nonfiction book and be floored. If you read mostly fiction, what’s some of the best nonfiction you’ve read?
Ten piece chicken wings with fries
Books with the most beautiful prose.
Weekly Recommendation Thread: April 22, 2022
What Books did You Start or Finish Reading this Week?: April 18, 2022
Two years to the day, we swiped right and became best friends! We're both still on Bumble...
Please be honest, I need to know if I’m ugly…
29M... honest opinion?
In Shrek 2 (2004), King Harold and Queen Lillian were named after Harold and Lillian Michelson, a couple who had been working in Hollywood for decades. Lillian is a film researcher and Harold was a production designer (he died in 2007).
Advice for last-minute packing
Daily Questions Thread - July 24, 2021
Daily Questions Thread - July 08, 2021
What’s the most insane rich person behaviour you’ve ever seen?