I just got in a mini Reddit fight on a Spanish-language sub with an unapologetic racist who claimed that Africans look down on Black Americans. I'd never heard this before. In your experience, is this true? And if so, why would this happen?
How would you judge me based on my map? Anywhere you think I'd enjoy living?
Where to next?
Here, we dont have a freedom of speech regarding LGBT community
Black Americans OR White people in interracial marriages: In which state(s) have you been treated the worst?
the age of consent
What does my map say about me? Which state do you think I’m originally from?
What kind of depressed, miserable fuck you have to be to be so triggered by people literally dancing and having fun on a fucking wedding?
How Common Are Overtly Racist Views Against African Americans Today?
I’ve been to all 48 contiguous states. Here’s my opinion.
Does anybody else think that lower-level (Bachelor's/Associate) language degrees are a waste?
Too much diversity i can slow down a country and also makes people divided rather than being united , IT'S NOT A STRENGTH RATHER A WEAKNESS
How do i get over my lack of confidence while speaking a different language?
Sharing paid patterns
After Seeing The 2 Nurses/Doctors Video... What is the solution, you guys?
I am so frustrated by what bigtech has done to the average joe, like myself. Can you please help me narrow down laptop selections? Especially from smaller-market companies?
I've read articles about how Ryzen 7 is loads better than Intel CORE i7 - is this only true for gamers?
Just scored an interview with Aramark.
I have two degrees, but I am still leaning towards going in enlisted. Could I have some advice?
How can people still believe in god?
Are there any female-friendly/women-only websites for travel?
Copper Mountain housing question
How is living in Colorado for mixed (black/white) people?
The majority of Reddit users are left wing-indoctrinated.
RCTA/Transracialism IS valid, this just isn't their time period