A flower is a plant isn’t a tree technically just one big ass plant too? And what about those little fake bushes you see in the over priced condo lobby’s wouldn’t those count as mini trees? The real ones i mean
How do I keep French fries from getting that weird texture when they get cold
Does Mango peanut butter fatty food etc make edibles hit harder?
Never seen that before Lmao
Recommendations after dead space
20m got till the end of next month to move out
How fucking strong is Marcus to be able to just move a car like that
Fuck it im stoned and borad let’s do it first play through to lol
Just got these for 10$
First play through of ds2 on survivalist, god damn this part was hard
How do I find fellow stoners to hang out with
Bruh I’m high asf and saw a little mouse in my room and I’m scared
Can’t find a match when dlcs are installed
How do I fix thissss
What should I watch first moon knight or Loki?
Took this last night well stoned did I cook?
Can I eat a 4 day old Hawaiian pizza that’s been in the fridge?
this collab ain’t it
Munchies hit hard asf
I really need advice, I M20 have been with my GF F22 for 3 years now and name call when we argue but i genuinely love her does this really mean I don’t?
I M20 have been with my GF F22 for 3 years now and name call when we argue but i genuinely love her does this really mean I don’t?
I (M20) Call my GF (F22) names when we fight does this mean I actually genuinely don’t love her even tho I really do?
How do I (M20) deal with the guilt after calling My (F22) GF names during arguments but i genuinely love her