Make Intro Dialogues for the overlord characters in "Injustice 2" and I'll rate them
Optimus Prime Vs Godzilla (Music Copyright free)
Well folks it's about that time: And if Isekai Quartet had a game like Marvel Rivals, who would you main and who would be in which class...?
Thoughts on Albedo?
You reincarnate in the new world with all the powers, abilities, weapons etc of the last game you play what do you do
Make Intro Dialogues for the overlord characters in "Mortal Kombat 1" and I'll rate them
Make Intro Dialogues for the Overlord Characters in "Dragon ball FighterZ" and I'll rate them
Albedo(Dragon ball Art style)
Overlord (Teen Titans art style)
Now that we know, That we’re finally getting an Overlord FIGMA Line starting with Albedo, What other figures do you hope to come to line ?
Looks like we're getting a figma figure of Albedo.
Grand Theft Auto AOG
OverLord X Pokemon
Critical Failure 🎲
If you forcibly got isakei'd into Overlord, and could bring 2 anime or comic book characters with you as bodyguards, who would you bring with you?
Goku All Forms (AMV) The Mod
Sparking Zero X Linkin Park
Sparking Zero-Shonen Jump DLC Pack
I rank Every Sparking Zero Trailer
i rank every Sparking Zero Trailer
Sparking Zero AMV 2
How often I’d use these characters in Sparking Zero Update: (all 182 characters)