I realized my wife is a DEI partner because she is a woman.
Favorite Games of All Time
Online dating as a bald dude is rough. Agree/disagree?
i finally decided it was time.
Apeks move hype to their reserve roster
Valorant is very hard for me to learn lol any tips?
who should I get next??
Does Console ranked buddies go to PC aswell?
what's the lowest rank you've ever gotten after a new episode
Am I progressing too slow?
Is lurking really that bad in Valorant?
What are u think about Waylay?
question for cs players who switched to valo
Sean Hannity attacks the stock market for crashing while Donald Trump is president
How To Double Satchel :(
Can Valorant be played without a GPU?
Derke is the undisputed GOAT of Valorant
Where is my ranked gun buddy?
City wants to start charging for parking at Balboa park and Mission Bay!!!
Okay, what the fuck am I seeing, Plat Chat?
What is your favourite shotgun in gaming?
Announcement about Envy/RANKERS name change for NA T2 playoffs
Sayf discusses the current meta.
Have people with 8 hours of work able to improve their skills?
Ok which spot has fries like these?