I’ve been admitted in the hospital for over two weeks and I miss her so much
Is he a proper Tux?
This is the best platform for advice about UC .
Any girls here with Game related Tattoos? I would love to see them😍
Lilo & Stitch | Official Trailer | In Theaters May 23
My contribute to the weird hand post
Just saw this on YT shorts. Coincidence?
Hydrodipping a shopping bag
Who is he (wrong answers only)
Tallest player in basketball history...and this is how he runs
What game first comes to mind when you see this?
Today I adopted my first tux: meet Pepsi. A 14 year old male with a harelip!
My mother’s response to finding out I have an autoimmune disease. 🙃
My new tortie looks like a reese’s peanut butter cup! Name ideas?
The most violent game you ever played
What random word immediately makes you think of Mark?
I never expected my tortie to behave like this
He cuts his own hair apparently
If we're casting, I think i found smasher
Anyone else have a cat that sits like this???
One of the worst articles I've ever read
Millie talking about fainting & not being able to come out of character during S3—it happened again in S5
What do we think of this statement?