I knew it's been said many times, but Randy looks swollen and inflamed, which begs the question:
CM Punk and NXT
Cena’s promo was trash. WWE messed this up. Here’s why.
Best Wrestler to Never Win a World Title in WWE? I’ll start.
Who got louder boos?
Post WWE Raw 3/17/2025 Show Discussion Thread
Wreddit's Daily Pro-Wrestling Discussion Thread! Comment here for recommendations, quick questions, and general conversation! (Spoilers for all shows) - March 17, 2025 Edition
My Backlash Card Predictions post Wrestlemania 41
What match have you rewatched the most times?
At what age did you find out the secret?
What did they see (wrong stuff only)
What wrestler has started wrestling with 1 name and kept the name throughout their whole career?
I need a pick me up after that …
How do you like the current run of the US Championship Title? Does it feel big enough or like an anime filler arc?
Let’s end this debate: Is Bret Hart the Greatest “In-ring” Performer in WWE History?
Vince McMahon at the Knicks/Heat game
This has to be Vince courtside at MSG right?
Just unearthed my old Randy Orton hoodie that I got sometime around ‘05-‘07
What are Rob Van Dam's top 10 best matches of his career in YOUR opinion?
This toxic asshole
What do you take from this
When John Cena said he's breaking up from this toxic relationship.
What do my top 10 wrestlers say about me?
John Cena's promo tonight genuinely made me feel guilty for booing him for all those years. Justified heels are the best heels, and this is gold.
Why are superstars wearing burgundy tonight?