Is there any character you hate or dislike?
From the promo pics, I thought I was going to hate this wig….it turned out to be one of my favorites. From You create kit #2, Audrey mold (I think), on regular body.
When did/how you get into classic BG?
The roof of the Friendly Arm Inn
Odile as Barbie Extra #10
Get ready for knockout? :)
My mom gifted me her entire collection. What can you tell me about these dolls?
Would you watch a spin-off focused on the Evelyn and James subplot?
Thrift store finds totally hair Barbie
Easy Barbie chokers out of colored rings from Oral B toothbrushes.
My Favorite Bill Greening Barbie Dolls 👽👽👽
When your newly millionaire sister comes back into your life at the worst moment...
Bill Greening’s announcement
Taking some photoshoots and figuring out the box is small, but these girls look incredible
Play line Odile is in Japan!!!
thoughts on this Barbie Extra?
Wobbly heads on Basics confirmed
On the road again, and we're gonna look good.
The girls are here!
A stranger complemented me on my shirt today
Bands for a DM fan?
Sorry for all the posts!!! This is the bodies switched, the heads don’t fit. I don’t even know what to say about the wigs except that I haven’t styled them yet. I guess they’re right out the box. Everything is right out the box. 😆😭 I gotta keep laughing from crying.
Yall! I have never been so excited happy and disappointed all at the same time. I just wanna warn everyone that the heads are shallow and the sticks are too long, so either I have to shave them down or send them back basically as the option here. Which is disappointing but I do love the screenings.
They have arrived!!! A day before my bday!!! Eeeeek
Made a fashion fever list and need help finishing