(ARC Review) Small Gods meets Hades: The City that Would Eat the World by John Bierce (Author of Mage Errant)
Review — Once Was Willem by M. R. Carey
I was doing my annual Rothfuss check in and found this. Any idea if it’s real?
PSA its ok to DNF a book
Advice: What was your approach to reading the series?
What in your opinion is the Worst Book in an otherwise Great Series?
The Sun Eater series has the sort of central long term relationship I wish more stories had
What do you think about "Powdermages"?
What’s a good standalone and or COMPLETED series that left readers wanting more?
I didn’t like the Mistborn Era 1 trilogy—should I read the Skyward Series?
Recommendations for someone who has never read a book?
The Wheel of Time show is actually good now
(Review) Backstabbing, romance, and social intrigue in a literary fantasy inspired by the Italian Renaissance: Navola by Paolo Bacigalupi
I’ve got a bad feeling about this…
Warning for Kaiju Battlefield Surgeon
Books/Series that start with friends turned bitter enemies by the end?
I love how this series is a brand new sentence machine
“The City That Would Eat The World” is fantastic
How do you find new authors to read?
Would Sanderson have a problem with me legitimately changing my name to Kaladin?
What would you serve/decorate for a DCC themed party
Why do people do this?
To celebrate the launch of their second editions, all my redneck wizard ebooks are free today!
The Emperor's Soul... Sanderson clicks on my second attempt