I think I can do Khechari Mudra.
She hated fascists
Sysiphus' Dilema
Band name for members who are all well below average in intelligence.
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Sometimes, I sit down in the shower, run the water cold, and ________.
I have 1 billion ______s!
The only way to fix it
Why is Reddit so anti-religion?
this looks so depressing LMAO. any band recommendations?
What’s the band furthest down you listen to regularly?
What is the most basic thing you are terrible at?
Guess my top artist (difficulty: impossible)
What's the most "badass" TOOL song?
Best Maynard scream?
We are gona get some cursed results.
What is something you should never buy secondhand?
Asking your opinion everyday about a Tool song Day 10: The Grudge
What does my top ten say about my age, gender, and my taste in music?
What’s the perfect Tool song for your Christmas Eve dinner?
Have you heard a dying person’s last words? If so, what were they?
Comment any word but all the vowels become h.
Let’s see the results.