I can only imagine how stupid Shinso setting Embrittlement up with a coordinated team is going to be
Does shinso have combo potential?
Since Shinso is getting one as well, I just want to say that I'm really disappointed about the cybernetic hero skins in comparison to the villains
“Individuality” Technique y “Brainwashing”
What about?... Aizawa's Rework
$100 someone on the subreddit is still gonna complain
There's a block list, are you happy console players?
Assault Kirishima needs a buff to cooldowns Here is why with proof.
How will ranks work in cross play
Mfw I'm about to hit ace rank in season 10 but matchmaking decides to put me against 5 content creators, 9 hardcore scrimmers with sisterly, 4 PC kendo players that spend all day labbing in training mode, and 3 of the sweatiest low tiers to grace the earth:
Hot Take.. Kinda: The game was much more enjoyable before T.U.N.I.N.G.
Hawks can pick up teammates with his SA
Cmon you guys look on the brightside of cross play like sky did, sure their might be some hackers, but you might also get the chance to play with cool people on other platforms. Like Rufus and our mods. AND ME, yknow if you find me cool lol. All I had the chance to play with is Ollie sky and crafty
Idk if this image is a meme, but i really hate it
If you could make one bit gameplay change, what would it be?
Question from the fellow Nejire mains?
I love Baby raiders.
Now That the Season Is Nearly Over, What Rank Has Everyone Reached on Their License?
I’m tired of these foolish Mortals who think they’re good….
Who do you think are the bottom 3!?
All that talk just to break down over doing small acts
I edited doomfist to look like a woman. meet akanda ogundimu
Yep :/
ELI5: Why can the JoJo's games use Manga characters but dragon ball games can't?!
Honest reaction realizing there are grown ass men and women who are unemployed to the level they passionately made new reddit accounts to roleplay on a subreddit whose name is short of 1 letter