“This fusion isn’t too painful, so far”
Summon Rush inflation: 3500 / 6100
Just let me vent...
Is it just me or does that sound totally OP on a 4 turn Cooldown?
Doing a photoshoot for OnlyFans on top of someones grave
Didnt realize my Dad’s tea kettle was electric…
What's your favorite Raid Champion design?
Most excited pull, you had?
Wish me luck
I saw YouTube videos saying he's amazing. I dont have Amazon prime but I pulled him recently
Just spent $100+ on these soul stones and got absolutely nothing I wanted. I hate my so called "luck".
Keep or sell?
DS case doesn’t fit in my shelf
Fighting in campaign, and this guy keeps healing himself. -_- It's just an infinite loop of my dwarf vs this necromancer dude. XD
Losan Kleth and a bragging piece
Thor 6 Star blessing Pro's and Con's for getting him.
Is this game worth playing?
Giving Plarium their flowers
Who would you pull? I'm 2 legos away from legendary materials and varl is pullable, so a great excuse to pull him but who should be number 2?
Whoever told me to 6 star alice..tha k you. I hate to admit it but Alice the Wanderer has risen to top 3 of my favorite champs. Anyone else really like her?
Why Is Reddit Losing It?
Had to manual and it took forever but quite proud of this one.
Which 5 champions (Legendary & Epics) would you consider to put Cat's Gaze Relic
(Aphidus) it only took 197 shards