Hospital stay is scaring me, need advice
If u have hpylori or gastritis dead ass listen to this .
How bad is racism and homophobia where you live? (What city do you live in?)
Why are so many french Canadians so obnoxious?
I don't think that's how racism work but, what do you folks think?
Loki Sleipnir birth question
Liver Resection Recovery
Walking your pitbull in Walmart
"That’s just what dogs do, they’re doing their job by barking”
Am I too sensitive or was this weirdly unnecessary passive aggressive?
Is there a way to make him trust me?
If anyone can give me ideas as to why after using the nebuliser and putting him back , he goes straight back to sounding like this? (Before nebuliser /straight after nebuliser / put back into cage)
Moved my hammy in a new appropriate size cage but now its way too empty
Giant liver hemangioma
Need tips for my pigs’ cage flooring
I made zongzi last night using the this steel mold. Loved it.
Liver hemangiomas (Radiology)
Today I’m saying goodbye to my mom
Would you be able to help with what this chatter may mean please?
Not allowed to flush toilet paper
Why is it that Most Poor People Never Realize that Nearly Every Cause they Support is Specifically Designed to Keep People Poor?
How long does the mouth tingling last?
My creature has suddenly learned to wander everywhere
What is your experience with chest binders?