Ah it makes sense now
I need the FRV stratagem
Surely this little boy is playable.
What are you guys hoping for in the next Battlefield game?
Hardline players when...
First time getting Battiefield. Which one is your favorite for the campaign/single player? I might get into multiplayer after.
What do you put up first gear or flaps?
Which one?
F117 Variant found already in game.
Just inspecting the very very small L3
What country should i play?
Good to see that Gaijin still loves France.
Why is there only landing gear on the F-117 are they stupid?
New M1A1 AIM stealth technology found!
Just got done with my first mission, how do I look?
My Game Bugged Out And Shows The Jet Brigade Everywhere
That sure is a lot of warships... surely some illusion right? we've got this, right?
Is default weapon any good?
I'm not feeling very confident in my survival
Headcanon: The first planet you dived on is your home world. Where are you from and what's your story?
Could we PLEASE not get the F35 for the next Battlefield USA faction?
[COD] Meme
Nukes in COD