Wait are they still the strongest video game character featured on the show at the moment? Unless I'm mistaken I don't think any game character has beaten their "Infinite Infinities" statement yet
Who do you guys think will win?
Why don’t we normalize brutally punishing abusers and p*ds?
Smartest Saitama scaler.
Can we all agree that this is the worst "debunk" video of all time?
What do you NOT want the protagonist of P6 to look like?
I have tried emulating BB at least 4 freaking times and everytime i cant get past the blackscreen. Can some1 pls help?
What's with this 15 gig patch?
Does this prove that the Invincible and Supreme crossover is canon?
Does this prove that Supreme and Invincible crossover is canon?
I REALLY hope this isn't how Mario vs Sonic ends.
Death Battle may not be perfect when it comes to research, but goddamn they aren't as bad as this dude
My dad made a big pot of beef liver that I don't want to go to waste.
Heavens to Betsy! I just busted everywhere!
M4F Let me tie you up and use you
M4F Let me tie you up
M4F I want to tie an older woman up
Take your favorite Death Battle quote/interaction and staple "I'm going to feed you your own heart" to it. Let's see how great or badly it fits.
favorite character that isn’t stated to be gay, but it’s kinda obvious they are
Why did they game update on ps5 today
Three to protect you while the other six try to end you 5.0
[Hated Trope] They’re not the good guy. They’ve never been the good guy. The creator(s) specifically *tell* you they’re not the good guy. Yet there’s a large number of fans who seem to believe that they’re the good guy.
M4F I want to tie you up
I'm No Doctor But I Don't Think That's How ADHD Works