Fin daily dosage of 1.25mg instead of 1mg
bored need suggestions
Your teeth will fall off
Too Close to Buying a Kindle - Tell Me Everything I Need to Know About Kindle-ing in Pakistan
I think foreigners should pay less income tax.
KVR Korruptionsverdacht. 6 Personen in U-Haft
Processing times in Munich
Travel tip for anyone with a German residency card
Ramadan Ordinance is neither Islamic nor Human
Ppl ignoring that they live in Islamic Republic.
Guys share your wallpaper/home screen layout
Rishta Process Advice?
Where should I go to buy my first bicycle helmet?
Strikes to hit Frankfurt, 10 other German airports
New Trump travel ban could bar Afghans, Pakistanis soon, sources say
Looking to visit Istanbul and have a few questions
Is it bad that I don't wanna move abroad?
Looking for a good Fahrschule.
Which driving license type should I make?
Wanna move to germany
Overseas Pakistanis which country is a good choice to move to rn?!
I have learned that it is fine to be only be spiritual.
Why Pakistanis are religious, and not religious at the same time.
Japan or Germany for a Pakistani student.
Take: The majority of the people of pakistan have started down the path to losing Islam.