My fanfic content
Take Me Back: Chapter List update!
Do you guys think Javi and Kate would be dissapointed if they saw Clem with Louis/Violet?
Favorite character who is a Viltrumite?
Why can’t Clementine be with both of them?
TWDG v. TWDC Phase 3 (Round 25/75): The Stand By Friends. Luke vs Glenn (On The Road to The Saviors), which character is better written?
Z broly vs kid buu
Small characters in charge of mostly larger characters.
I’m rewatching the series and this moment got me thinking, could Nolan really couldn’t come out with a better lie?
That’s one way to ruin the final season
“Suffering builds character” Continues to make that character suffer endlessly
Multiple characters ganging up against one and got their ass kicked
Favorite character with a BANGER theme?
Favorite characters that make you want to protect them
Favorite Character that gets treated like this?
Imagine Broly (Z) entering a room and he sees these 4, what's going to happen next?
Anything Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru says shouldn't be taken seriously
I don’t understand, can you repeat what you said?
Nakatsuru confirms Daima SSJ4 is stronger than SSB
Hot take: Vegeta carried Buu saga
Which decision was dumber?
The winner isn't stronger or more skilled (necessarily) but they are more savage (Spoilers for Invincible issue 64/season 3 episode 8, Love Death and Robots season 1, Game of Thrones season 6 episode 9, and Primal season 2 episode 10)
Starting with Y, what is the best TWDG quote?
Characters you love despite killing your other favs (spoilers for Demon Slayer and Invincible)