Half The fandom is toxic
Tell sans what you’ve done so he can judge you accordingly
Are Ps servers down? Im getting an error message.
Trying to skip the grind but the dupe is buggin
(PC/ER) Any help against Consort Radahn?
Accidentally killed both Laurentius and Eingyi without getting Pyromancy Flame
Don't get too close
Pc help with radahn.
PS5 DS3 soul of cinder
Murakumo is Awesome
Toughest boss in the game...
How would you rank the crossbows in each Souls game?
Praise the sun!
For those that don't know...
Patches is the same entity in all souls games
I've ruined my pyromancers chances
Need help for duplication ps5
Ps5 Ds3 need help for covenant items
This fandom is toxic as many fans sexualize fromsoft characters especially ones that will never consent to reproduction
[PS4] W: Max stacks of all slab types H: literally everything else
Certain parts of the fandom engage in Sexualisation of fromsoft characters especially ones that will never consent to reproduction.
Lore for a tatoo
Cheese peak?
What do you guys like more?
Attempting the perfect Sir Alonne defeat