New Music?
First Tattoo today! Guess the inspiration.
Day 11 of eliminating Ocean Eyes Deluxe until one song is left
Who still loves Coco Moon?
What are your thoughts on the documentary?
Does anyone feel a little unready to let go of the mask
what other artists do you guys listen to?
Day 2 of eliminating Ocean Eyes Deluxe until one song is left.
Fuck I should've said chandol
unreleased bwu/chandol song?
My Favorite Band "JR"
Day 1 of eliminating Ocean Eyes Deluxe until one song is left
Dream Owl City Setlist - Day 12
Where did you personally hear about Owl City/when did you first listen to him?
Alligator Sky
My Favorite Owl City Song Has Been "Gold" For Years Now. Anyone Else A Fan Of It?
What is the most bwu way to talk to another fan for the first time
What the actual fuck
Alo moment WWW
Which of these would look best on the back of a jersey?
I finally got a record player
what are yalls fav boywithuke and/or chandol song (unreleased or released) my personal fav is pitfall
Why, YouTube. Why.