PSU and GPU Upgrade Possible? How?
Odd Symptoms That've Been Brushed Off
My spouse came out to me as asexual a few months ago. Tomorrow I am handing them divorce papers. They are going to be devastated.
Husband SA’d Me. Again.
I am a monster when I’m high and I’m trying to be sober and feel like life isn’t worth living
how can i move out at 13
Are there any childfree folks here who *aren’t* antinatalists?
How much pizza do you eat?
Why does it feel like there are more LGBT vegans/vegetarians than straight people? Is there a reason for it?
Why are people in USA obsessed about who Taylor swift is dating?
My Boyfriend R*ped Me
Mom who refused to get an abortion after brain cancer diagnosis has now been given less than a year to live
I'm just tired