Who's got a Dolla
Her being sad was just a ploy to get money
She's Live!
Talking About Scammers 🤣
Anyone know why this is the last season? Did it not get picked up again or is the cast off to do other things? I really like this show and they have all been around for 37 years. Sad this is the end but curious if any spin off could be planned with Becky and Darlene or whst the read is for the endin
This Hog infuriates me so bad. There is always work to do at these kind of places she working at, but her ass is sitting on a chair doing absolutely nothing!!!
Anywhere to watch??
Anyone watching the battle rn? W T F & when you’re dishonest about what you want money for, gather $1000 for a camper then not get it, or return the money- you’re a scammer.
Live asking for a hotel with money sitting in savings and a cigarette in hand 🥴😂
Asking for help with food while at work. They are both working. Why is she still asking for food?
Name change
So who do you think they are mooching from while banned? Begging behind the scenes in messages?
First she wanted $30 for food, now it’s $30 with delivery fee.
It’s “accept”, not “except”. Dum as a box of rocks.
Dry begging using sympathy stories.
First bad review for Gabby’s Airbnb …
Live asking for a Walmart delivery for cat food and litter
She is live! Nick just slipped up!
Nick has a job
“Moving to a new state”
Oh Lizzy poo
This is where our tax dollars are going.