Italian Conversation - Ordering food for a birthday - Beginner Level
ITALIAN GRAMMAR with Examples 160/249 - Conditional tense - What would you change?
How good is your Italian?
Ho comprato un libro.
The secrets of Ogni - ITALIAN GRAMMAR Explained 85/249
Understanding the regular present perfect (passato prossimo) in Italian grammar
Object pronoun placement: gli, lo, and glielo
Italian Conversation - Education and Technology - Intermediate Level
ITALIAN GRAMMAR with Examples 159/249 - Reported speech - It will get hotter
L’Europa è un continente vasto.
The mystery of when - ITALIAN GRAMMAR Explained 40/249
Definite articles in Italian: A grammar lesson
Avoiding awkwardness: anno vs. ano
Italian Conversation - Clothing and shopping - Beginner Level
ITALIAN GRAMMAR with Examples 167/249 - To see, to hear... - I cant see
La macchina è rossa.
The verb sembrare - ITALIAN GRAMMAR Explained 95/249
Gender of nouns and adjectives in Italian grammar
Decoding non-literal phrases: fare due chiacchiere
Italian Conversation - Outdoor activities - Beginner Level
ITALIAN GRAMMAR with Examples 158/249 - Direct speech - Im busy
Se avessi più tempo, imparerei l'italiano.
Italian grammar lesson: Present conditional explained
Verb-noun pairings: fare una passeggiata
Italian Conversation - Refund - Intermediate Level