What’s your top three of the Leprechaun franchise?
Mary Poppins on The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen(vol. 3)
What anime made you feel this way?
Mount Lady meets Deku (MilkeyQuinn) [MY HERO ACADEMIA]
More art from Artgerm
Moonshine, issue 5. Art by Eduardo Risso
Moonshine, issue 14. Art by Eduardo Risso
Best anime with a chill and relaxing vibe?
Vampirella by Artgerm
Sexiest scene in all of anime?
Emma Frost the sexiest Female X-Men Character?
Characters who appeared way later in their respective media than their popularity might have you think.
My Harley Quinn Cosplay
DC Showcase: Catwoman (2011)
Happy Woman’s history month! Whos your favorite female mc? 👸🏽🤖🕵🏽♀️🐩🐶🐻🦄🌊👿😒
(Hated trope) Character is forced to do something and acts completely out of character, yet his friends still think that nothing is wrong and they’re just acting weird
What’s a horror movie line that lives in your head forever?
My favourite Alan Moore work
What better way to start the weekend than shedding some tears?
One of my favourite page turns in all comics
Art by Enrico Marini
Which is your favourite one-sided beef in animation?
Characters by Derpexion
What's the most relatable cartoon/movie/anime scene according to you?