what's the easiest+healthiest chicken cut option for air frying? Tips on seasoning?
Velveeta Cheese
How many times have you washed your car this week?
First-Time Prescription Glasses: Advice on Price+Features
Does Celery really matter in a sofrito, mirepoix or any dish?
Where to go for car insurance
Thawed frozen sausages in the fridge overnight and then at room temperature for a few hours, safe to eat?
Waymo ran a red light..
Always feeling really bad when I have spent more than what would have been necessary
Does woody chicken breast exist outside of the US?
Rush Hour
What is your few dishes that remind you of home?
Black specs in bottom of can
Anyone know what’s going on?
Soft foods after oral surgery
How to cook pork loin without burning or under cooking it?
Cleaning Oil During Deep-Frying Session
Microwaving Mushrooms
is frozen glass container ok in the microwave or oven ?
Easy Tomato sauce pasta dishes
I mistakenly bought 2 big cans of tomato paste, thinking they were crushed tomatoes. What can I do with them?
super annoyed w/ the constant “what’s going on here” and “what is this” posts
Pressure cooker alternative PSI cooking times
Freezing raw meat