Is this the so-called American story?
Did they just forget the UK hated the EU so much, that they voted to leave it?
I drew a hand everyday for 50 days straight, here's the result
Technically the truth.
Who is worse - Dyllis or Phwight?
I certainly hope this won't be deeply ironic decades later.
Watching the state of things atm
Kossacks, Mongols, Cumans, Rus, Magyars, Khazars, Gokturks, Avars, Alans, Bulgars, Huns, Sythians, Cimmerians and Indo-Fucking-Europeans, do I need to keep going?
Europe going too slow to stop Putin in Ukraine, warns Estonia
Peter what happened?
Which was closer to reality?
I certainly hope no unforseen events occur that changes everything
Guys stop, you're making it worse
Ah yes, colonialism
No thank you 👍
“They are cheaper and can even fly”
Thought this would be interesting, the subreddits with the most user overlap to this sub
i spent too long on this
American occupation of Japan after WWII in a nutshell
America didn’t actually win the civil war
Old screenshot but yikes
Deutsche auf ihrem Weg ihre Freiheit(Diktatur der Bourgeoisie) vor Putin zu verteidigen(millionenfach ihre Arbeiterbrüder und Schwestern umzubringen)
The one doing the stinkface is Ashley Vega by the way!! [OC]
Stay at home Dad
how life feels atp